Macmillan believes  that education as an enterprise should not be confined within the four walls of the classroom, and therefore promoting extracurricular activities is one of the company’s priorities. This is a way of supporting education from all angles. 

Macmillan continues to support schools’ culture days around the country, of both  primary schools and high schools. As part of the schools’ curricula, culture is embedded in most subjects, including siSwati, history, social studies, creative arts and many others. The material for these subjects is mostly produced by Macmillan; hence the support. It is always said that learners grasp information more easily when they perform, therefore showcasing their cultural activities helps in the teaching and learning of EmaSwati culture by extension.

It is worth noting that the culture days have been happening across the country in different schools. These events draw a number of people including our stakeholders from the Ministry of Education, the inspectorate and parents of the learners. It is beneficial for us to attend such activities since they afford us an opportunity to market, strengthen relations and even attract new customers. We usually support these activities with promotional material and any other helpful educational items.

During the culture days Macmillan is given a display of the books published and a slot to speak. This is where we market the brand and the books we have. Such events create good avenues for business growth.