As the world goes digital, Macmillan Education Eswatini continues to keep her mantra as advancers of education in the country. This has been evident from the recently launched landmark project that has been set to enhance e-learning in Eswatini. The company has pumped in over E850 000 towards the implementation of an e-learning pilot project which is regarded as a milestone in the educational landscape in the country. Such a milestone is a great turn around in the education system of the country, since blended learning has been a dream only deterred by financial problems.

This powerful pilot project was launched by the Director of Education, Dr Ntombenhle Dlamini, at Esibayeni Lodge, on the 10th of August 2022, where the Ministry of Education and Training, together with its partners; Macmillan, The National Curriculum Centre (NCC) and other stakeholders attended a capacitation workshop about the programme. This adventure is in preparation for the implementation of blended learning in primary schools in Eswatini. Two schools were selected as pilot schools for the programme:  Mandvulo Primary School and Sydney Williams Primary School in a remote rural area and an urban area (Manzini City) respectively.

Macmillan Education Eswatini MD Bongani Motsa making his remarks during the launch. (R pic) Director of Education Dr Ntombenhle Dlamini launching the workshop of the e-learning pilot project at Esibayeni Lodge

The Managing Director for Macmillan Education Eswatini Mr Bongani Motsa highlighted the fact that the company has purchased 100 tablets for the learners in Grade IV and 10 laptops for the teachers. These gadgets will go a long way towards the quest to go digital in the business as well as the educational fraternity. Additionally, the gadgets will go along with a package of data bundles for a smooth running of the programme. Our hopes are very much high that initiatives like this one will benefit the company hugely since the publishing department has now taken a step further with the publishing process. A number of our titles have been transformed into e-pubs to meet with the demands of the growing market in the digital space.

Speaking at the event, Dr Lenhle Dlamini said;  “The significance of the partakers’ involvement in this exercise could not be overstated since we depend on them to ensure effective online curriculum delivery to learners” The main objective behind such a priceless initiative is to build capacity on the use of a Learning Management System (Advance learning and teaching using resources and assessments (Altura) in primary schools Eswatini. It is also meant to ascertain the effectiveness of Altura and further incorporate blended learning in all learning areas in primary schools in the country.

A section of the course participants following the proceedings of the launch

On the other hand, the National Curriculum Centre’s (NCC) Director Mr Musa Hlophe said the technology enabled learning/ e-learning programme would enhance the country’s day to day teaching and learning activities immensely. Most importantly, Macmillan Education has been hailed as great partners and pioneers in education; a company with learners at heart. This is very much testament to our motto, “With Learners for life.”  As a company, we are confident that this project shall bear good fruits for us in terms of strengthening our relationships with stakeholders as well as revenue accrual.